Wujudkan Tapanuli Utara Bersih dan Sehat, SOL Berikan Becak Motor Pengangkut Sampah dan Tempat Sampah Gandeng Tiga

Creating a clean and healthy environment is not only carried out through the participation of various parties and the spirit of mutual-cooperation, but the availability of waste disposal facilities for the community are an inseparable element in making it happen. In coordination with the Environmental Agency of North Tapanuli Regency, SOL has shown its concerns by donating 1 unit of garbage motorized tricycles and 15 sets of triple-handled trash bins worth Rp 67,780,000. (sixty seven million seven hundred eighty thousand rupiah).

This assistance was officially handed over by representative of SOL Management, Ms. Melva Samosir as CSR and External Relation Manager to the Head of Environmental Agency of  North Tapanuli Regency, Mr. Heber Tambunan on 31st August 2021. This assistance is expected to increase the enthusiasm of the cleaning staff in their function of maintaining Clean and Healthy North Tapanuli.